100 Important agriculture question part

201. Azotobacter is used for - Rice , cotton , s.cane 

202. Azospirillum bio fertilizer used for Sorghum 

203. The cytoplasm and nucleus combinedly called - protoplasm  

204. Cell theory was proposed by M.J. Schleden and Theodo Schwann 

205. The term Lysosomes was first used by Dave in 1955 

206. The main function of Golgi bodies are - packaging of food materials such as protein , lipids etc. 

207. The function of ribosomes are - protein synthesis  

208.The term mitochondria was given by - C Benda (1897) 

209.The simple microscope was invented by - Galileo (1610) 

210.The shortest phase of all mitosis phase is - Anaphase  

211.Meiotic division is also known as reducetional division  

212.The term mitosis was coined by Fleming (1882) 

213.Mitosis occurs in Somatic cells 

214.Segregation occurs during meiosis 

215.The longest mitotic phase is -Prophase  

216.Absorption Spectrum of photosynthesis is blue and red  

217.Action  Spectrum of photosynthesis is red and blue 

218.Dark reaction was discovered by Blackman 

219.Dark reaction is also known as - Blackman reaction or C3 – cycle 

220.The main site for dark reaction of photosynthesis is – stroma 

221. The evaporation of water from plants is called - transpiration  

222. Evaporation from soil and transpiration combined are called ET 

223. C4 Plants proposed by Hatch and slack (1970) 

224. The darkk reaction process of photosynthesis has been named variously - Calvin cycle or Blackman reaction  

225. Light reaction is also known as Hill reaction  

226. In photosynthesis , the solar energy converts into - Chemical energy  227. The OSMOSIS term was given by - Abble Nollet  (1748) 

228. The term “diffusion pressure deficit “ was introduced by - Meyer in 1938  

229. The term Imbibition was coined by - Sachs  

230. Imbibition Pressure is also known as - Matric Potential  

231. Root pressure word was coined by- Stephan Hales  

232. Father of  Physiology - Stephan Hales  

233. Soil les cultivation of plants is known as Hydroponics 

234. Rate of transpiration is determined by - Potometer  

235. The loss of sap (water) from the injured parts of plants is called - Bleeding  

236. Approximately 90% of the world photosynthesis is carried out by -  Marine and frsh water algae 237. Net production of ATP in Glycolysis is  2  

238. Growth rate is measured by Auxanometer & Cresco graph 

239. Photoperiodism term was coined by -TD Lysenko (1920) 

240. Apical Bud dominance is caused by which hormone - Auxin  

241. Which hormones is used as a herbicide=auxin 

242. Which hormone is related to drought tolerance- absicic acid (ABA) 

243. Dormancy break by which hormone - Cytokinis  

244. Stress hardening in plants can be active by which hormone   ABA 

245. Fruit ripening hormone is - ethylene  

246. The term auxin was used by - Frits went (Holland) 1905 

247. Want’s auxin is now known as - Indole -3-acetic acid (IAA) 

248. Which hormones are the Auxin - IAA, IBA, NAA , 2-4-D,2,4,5-T’ MCPA ,IPA TIBA etc 

249. Shedding of plant parts is due to- ABA hormones  

250. Cycocel (CCC) is a growth retardant  

251. The most widely used auxin herbiceds are 2-4-D,2,4,5-T’ MCPA 

252.Gibberellins were first discovered in japan 

253.The hormones also known as - Photo hormones , growth hormones , growth substances  

254.Main auxin is also known as -IAA  

255.Root promoting hormones is IBA  

256.The precursor of IAA is - Tryptophasne  

257.Synthesis of IAA in plants requires Zinc  

258. The term phytohormone for hormones of plants is suggested by - Thimann (1948) 

259.The term genetic resources was coined by - Frankel  

260.Mendel began his famous experiments on Pea in 1857 

261.Mendel Paper entitled “Experiments in Plant Hybridization “ was presented in German Language in two papers in 1865 (feb 8 and march 8) 

262.Mendel Paper published in the annual proceeding of society in 1866 

263.The term “Genetics” was coined by - Bateson (1905) 

264. The term gene , genotype and phenotype were used by - Johannsen in 1903 

265. Germplasm theory was proposed by Weismann 

266. Crossing over term was used first time by-  Morgan and cttell in 1911 

267. Operon model of gene regulation was discovered by - Jacob and Monad 1961 

268. The term chromosome was coined by -Waldeyer in 1888 

269. One gene one enzmes hypothesis was proposed by- Beadle and Tatum In 1941 

270. First time gene was divided into cistron, muton and recon by Benzer (1955) 

271. Sex chromosomes are also known as allosomes 

272. Crossing over occurs in - Pachytene stage  

273. The tendency of two or more genes to remain together in the same chromsome during inheritance is referred to as - Linkage  

274. Chiasma type theory of crossing over was proposed by -Janssens  

275. Genic balance system of sex determination was proposed by- bridge in 1922  

276. Monogenic sex determination is found in - Asparagus , Papaya , maize , spinach etc.  

277. The homozygous progeny of a self - pollinated homozygous plant is known as - Pure lines  

278. The concept of purelines theory was developed by -Johannsen (1903), Danish biologist  

279. Breeding method for self -pollinated crops are - Pure line selection , Mass Selection , Progeny selection, Bulk Method, Pedigree method , single seed descent method , Back cross Method  

280. A multiline variety is a mixture of -Several pure lines  

281. Bulk method was first used by- Nelson Ehle in 1908 

282. The modification of bulk method is - Single seed descent  

283. In pure line Theory ,Johannsen was working on- Princess variety of Rajma  

284. Mass Pedigree Method was proposed by- Harrington in 1937 

285. The oldest method of selection is - mass Selection  

286. Progeny test was developed by -Louis de Vilmorin  

287. Progeny Test is also known as - Vilmorin isolation principle  

288. Single seed Descent method applied for the first time in oat in 1965 by – Graphius 

289. The term recurrent selection was coined by -Hull in1945 

290. The use of synthetic varieties for commercial cultivation was first suggested in maize by-Hayes and Garber , 1919 

291. Synthetic varieties are maintained by-open Pollination 

292. A synthetic variety can be developed from-Inbreeds, clones and open pollinated varieties . 

293.The general or basic concept in the development of synthetic varieties is - Exploitation of hybrid vigour 

294.The concept of disruptive mating and selection was developed by - Mather (1953) and Thody (1958) 

295.The Concept of dialled selective mating system was originally develped by - jonsen in 1970 

296.The hetrosis is also known as - Hybrid vigour  

297.The term heterosis was first used by - Shull in 1914 

298.Dominance theory was proposed by - Devenport  in 1908 

299.The cross between inbred line and open pollinated variety was done in - top cross method  

300.The resistance of host to the particular race of a pathogen is known as - vertical resistance