100 Important agriculture question part

 101. Mustard fruit is known as - siliqua  

102. Pungency of mustard is done to - isothiocynate  

103. National seed corporation was established in March – 1963 

104. Seed Act was passed in 1966 (29 dec) 

105. Tetrazolium Test is done for - viability and vigour  

106. The Indian seed Act came into force on 2 oct 1969 

107. NSC started functioning in July 1963 

108. The head quarter of NSC is - Pusa compus , ND 

109. National Seed project was launched in – 1976 

110. The world meteorology is derived from- Greek language 

111. International meteorological organization was est. in – 1873 

112. Division of Agri. Meteorology at pune , Maharashtra was est. in 1932 

113. Solar radiation is measured by – pyranometer(total incoming radiations) 

114. Agro Ecological Zones in India is 8( by NARP ICAR), 21(by NBSSLUP)—but now only 20 115. Agro -climatic zones (15 nos.)  are formed in India during 7th five year plan (1988) 116. The green Ouse gases are - CO2 , CFC , CH4, etc. 117. Indian meteorological Dept. was est. in the year of -1875 118. Wind velocity is measured by -Anemometer . 

119. Father of agro- climatology is - Koppen  

120. Koppen classified the climate based on - temperature  & Precipitation  

121.The study of weather is called – meteorology 

122.The term weed was firstly used by - jethrotull  

123.National Research centre for weed science is situated at-Jabalpur (MP) 

124.Commercial mycoherbices first appeared in market USA in early 1980s  

125.National horticulture board was est.at Gurgaon (Haryana ) 

126.First all India coordinated floriculture Improvement project was started in 1971 

127.Central temperate Horticulture Research institute is situated at - Srinagar (J&K) 

128.International institute of horticulture is situated in – Brazil 

129.Who is the father of pomology – Decandolle 

130.National horticulture board was est. in the year 1984 

131.Who was the first deputy director general of horticulture , ICAR - dr. K.L. Chadha  

132.Which vegetable rank first among vegetable crops in production in the world – potato 

133.In India , potato was introduced by Portuguese in 1965 

134. Research on potato was stared at IARI New Delhi in – 1935 

135. The International potato centre was est.in 1971 at lima (Peru) 

136. Central potato Research Institute was est. in – 1949 

137. Seed plant technique was developed by - Dr. Pushkarnath 

138. The Head quarter of CPRI was Shifted from Patna to Shimla in 1956 

139. True potato seed concept was first realize to raise commercial crop in India by Dr. S.Ramanujam (Fist director of CPRI) 

140. Cauliflower was introduced in India by Dr. Jemson from Kew Garden, London in the year 1822 

141. Male sterility in cauliflower was introduced by Peerson (1981) 

142. The toxic substance of cucurbits is – cucurbitacin 

143. Which hormones are used in cucurbits to modify sex and to induce femaleness - GA & NAA 

144. Seedless variety of mango is - Sindhu (devloped at FRS vengurula ) 

145. Most exported variety of mango is - Alphonso  

146. Black tip in mango is a physiological disorder due to brick clin fumes mostly CO, SO2 or deficiency of boron 

147. Which type of incompatibility is found in mango - gemtophytic  

148. Mango variety , most suitable for high density planting is Amarpali 

149. Mango inflorescence contains , which type of flowers - male and hermaphrodite 

150. The off season mango variety is - Niranjan  

151. The only mutant cultivarr of mango is – Rosica 

152. Magnifera contains about 41 species  

153. The regular bearing varieties of mango are - neeum , Banglora , pairi, etc . 

154. Mosambi a sweet orange cultivar was introduced from - Mozambi ue  

155. The edible portion of citrus fruits is -juicy placental hairs  

156. The first record of the name grape fruit in jamaica was in – 1814 

157. The Banana breeding was first stared at - Imperial college of tropical agriculture in Trinidad (1922) 

158. Banana Breeding was stared in India in 1949 at central Banana Research station , aduthurai (TN) 

159. Banana can be stored at - 13 C and 85 % RH 

160. Banana initiate flowering 9-12 months after Planting  

161. The notice is papaya is tropical America  

162. The yellow pigment in papaya is caricaxanthin  

163. Papaya is the richest source of vitamin A next to mango it contains 2020 IU/ 100 g fruit 

164.King of temperate fruit is - Apple  

165.Family of apple is Rosaceae  

166.Mother of all delicious group of cultivars is - red delicious  

167.The king of arid fruit is ber  

168.The commercial propagation method off grape is - hard wood cutting  

169.In India the black soil is mostly fond in - Maharashtra  

170.Red soil is mostly found in – Tamilnadu 

171.The soil which is most suitable for most crops is - sandy loam  

172.Red colour in the red soils is due to presence of various oxides of irons  

173.The vertical section of the soil showing the various layers from the surface to the unaffected parent material is known as - soil profile . 

174.The arrangement of soil particles and their aggregate  into certain defined is called - soil structure  

175.Particle density of soil is also known as - true density  

176. Generally the particles density of normal soil is - 2.65 gram/cm3  

177. The bulk density of normal soil is - 1.33 g/cm 3  

178. The formula of porosity of soil is - porosity =100-(bulk density / Particle density ) 

179. The certain exchange capacity (CEC) of montmorillonite is - 60-100 me / 100 gm 

180. The first soil classification system was developed by - russion scientist Dokuchaev (1880) 

181. The U.S classification system the soil orders are – 10 

182. Formula of bulk density is= wt. of soil / volume of solids and pores  

183. Law of minimum was given by - Vn Liebig (1840) 

184. Top most mineral horizon is - A horizon 

185. exchangeable sodium %age is also known as soluble %age 

186. The term pH was introduced by Sorensen (1909) 

187. Energy exchange elements are H & O 

188. K & Na is determined by Flame Photometer  

189. Micro nutrient is also known as - trace element , Oligo -element or spurned elements 

190. Crop logging techniqueue was given by - H. F. Clements  

191. Metal nutrients are - K, fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu. 

192. Highly mobile nutrients are - N,P,K. 

193. Criteria of essentiality was proposed by Arnon & Stout (1939) 

194. The term fictional nutrient was proposed by - Nicholas (1961) 

195. Moderate mobile nutrient is Zn 

196. FYM contains - 0.5% N , 0.2 % P2O5 & 0.5 % K2O 

197. The P is available at 6-7 pH 

198. Bio fertilizers are - Rhizobium , Azotobacter, Azospirillum , PSB, VAM,BGA, etc. 

199. Approx. 20 gram of rhizobium culture is required to treat one kg seed 

200. One packet of rhizobium culture contains 20 gram of rhizobium culture