100 Important agriculture question part

301.vertical resistance is governed by- One or few genes  

302.The resistance of host to the all race of a pathogen is known as - Horizontal resistance 

303.The concept of gene for gene hypothesis was first developed by- flor in 1946 

304.The disease resistance is governed by- several genes 

305.Who developed the concept of vertical and horizontal resistance - j. E . Vender Plank (1963) 

306. Father of genetic engineering is - Pual Berg 

307. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed by - Dr. Karl Mullis (1980) 

308. Golden rice was developed by Ingo protrykus and peter bayer 

309. The plant part , which is used for regeneration is called - Explant  

310. A mass of regenerated cells i culture medium is called - Callus  

311. the suspension of free cells of callus in a liquid medium is known as - Suspension culture  

312. the regeneration capacity or ability of a plant cell to develop into whole plant is known as – Totipotency 

313. What is the embryogenesis - It is the process of formation of somatic embryos from callus  

314. the process of dirrerentiation of shoot & root from the somatic embyos is called – organogenesis 

315. Regeneration of whole plant from anther is called - anther culture 

316. Haploid are developed by - Anther culture  

317. The Blue biotechnology  is a term that has been used to describe - The marine and a uatic application of to describe  

318. The biotechnology applied to agriculture process is known as -Industrial Biotechnology  

319. the first genetically modified food product was a -Tomato , which was transformed to delay its ripening 

320. M-RNA is primarily used for - Transcription of DNA  

321. RFLP stands for - Restricting fragment length polymorphism  

322. Plant tissue culture was begun by - G. Haberlandt (geman botanist ) in 1808 

323. research in the area of tissue culture was first stared in india at - Department of Botany , DU in 1960s 

324. National bureau of plant genetics resources is situated at -New Delhi 

325. The project on Indian mustard oil with higher b-carotene is initiated by - TERI  

326. A genotype developed by the process of genetic engineering is called - Transgenic  

327. what is gene cloning - A technique of genetic engineering , which is used to make several identical copies of a gene is called gene cloning  

328. which soil borne bacterium is used for developed of transgenic plants - agrobacterium tumifaciens  

329. In potato , the protein quality has been improved by - transferring serum albumin gene from human  

330. In tobacco , cold resistance power has been achieved by tranering gene from -Arabidopsis thaliana  

331. Little leaf of citrus is caused by - MLO,s 

332. Pahala blighted s.cane is caused due to deficiency of - Mn  

333. Reclamation disease is caused due to the deficiency of – Cu 

334. Late blight of potato is caused by - Phytophthora infestence (fungi) 

335. Bunchy top of banana is caused by – virus 

336.Grassy shoot disease of s.cane is caused by – mycoplasma 

337.kresek in rice is caused by - Xanthomonas oryzae 

338.heart rot of sugar beat is casued by - Deficiency of boron  

339.Most dangerous disease of potato - Late blight of potato 

340.Philology disease in plants is caused by - Mycoplasma  

341.Club root of cauliflower is caused by- Plasmodiosphora brassicae 

342.Sheath blight of rice is caused by- Rhizoctonia solani 

343.vector of leaf -curl disease in cotton is - White flies 

344.Orobanche is a parasite associated with – tobacco 

345.Akiochi disease is due to - sulphur toxicity  

346.White rust of crucifers is caused by - Albugo, candida , fungi 

347.Ufra disease in rice is caused by- Nematode 

348.Whiptail of cauliflower is due to the deficiency of - Mo. 

349. Vector of rice tungro virus is - Green leaf hopper  

350. Kresek symptom is found in - Bacterial blight 

351. loose smut disease of wheat is a - Internally seed Borne  

352. Mantek Disease of rice is caused by - Rice root nematode  

353. Yellow leaves of tea occur due to the deficiency of – Sulphur 

354. Die back of shoots occur due to deficiency of - Copper  

355. die back is the major disease of rose in India  

356. Crop showing maximum resistance to nematode is - marigold  

357. The late blight disease destroy the potato crop of Ireland in 1845 

358. Father of pathology is - Anton de berry  

359. Father of mycology is - P.A. Micheli  

360. Life cycle of wheat rust is given by - K.C. Mehta  

361. Top sickness of tobacco is caused by - Deficiency of boron 

362. The pathogen associated with the discovery of bordeause mixture is - Plasmosphora viticola  

363. Loose smut of wheat can be controlled by seed treatment of – Vitavax 

364. Late blight of potato was introduced in India for first-time in - nilgiri –hills 

365. Black heart of potato is caused by - Poor ventilation in storage (lock of oxygen) 

366. The tundu disease of wheat is usually associated with nematode known as – anguina tririci 

367. Udabatta disease of rice is due to -- Ephelis oryzae  

368. Ring rust of Aonla is caused by - Ravenellia emblica var. fructoidae 

369. Flag smut of wheat is caused by - Urouystis gramines 

370. Leaf curl disease of tobacco is caused by virus and it is transmitted by - White fly  

371. Leaf blight of cotton is caused by - Alternaria macrospora 

372. father of nematology – Bastian 

373. Father of Microbiology - Louis Pasteur  

374. Bacterium was discovered by – Antony van leewenhock  

375. fungicide used in the control of smut is – Vitavax 

376. father of modern Plant pathology is - Anton de Berry 

377. bordeaux mixture was developed by - P.M.A. Millardet 

378. Common nematicides are - DD Mixture , Phorate , Etylene bromide , etc. 379. Central Plant protection training institute is situated at - Hyderabad ( AP) 380. first plant protection adviser to govt. of India - H.S. Pruthvi. 381.integrated pest control term was coined by - Bartlett ( 1956) 

382.The Term “ Pest Management “ was given by - Geier (1970) 

383.The blood colour of insects is - Green with yellow 

384.Honeybees belongs to the order of – Hymenoptera 

385.Entomology word was taken from - Greek language 


386.Father of Insect Physiology is – Wiggelworth 

387.The first pesticide was discovered by -Millardet-(1882) 

388.DDT was discovered by - Zedler scientist  

389.First insecticide discovered was – DDT 

390.Plant protection and  quarantine Act was pased in the year of – 1912 

391. insecticide act was passed in 1968 

392.destructive insect and Pest Act was passed in – 1914 

393.Maximum %age of insecticide is used in which crop - Cotton (54 %) 

394. “Warfarin “ is a rodenticide  

395. Contact insecticides are - DDT, Malathian , Aldicarb , Monocrotophos , Aldrin , etc. 

396. Bio pesticides are - NPV, GV, Bacillus thuringiensis etc. 

397. Pest population should be kept below the - Economic Threshold level 

398. Very safest insecticidede for honeybee – Endosulphon 

399. Rat poison is known as - Zinc phosphide (Zn3P2) 

400. Lead arsenate was first used in 1832 by Moulton