100 Important agriculture question part

401. Overhead cost is known as - Fixed cost  

402. Price theory is a branch of - Mico- Economices  

403. Average cost is e ual to - Total cost / Output 

404. Land rent is an example of fixed cost 

405. prime cost is also known as - Variable cost 

406. opportunity coast is also known as - alternative cost 

407. The father of economics is - Adam Smith 

408. Diminishing return is also known as - Law of variable  

409. The most effective way to overcome the defects of agricultural marketing is - Regulating marketing 

410. the law of variable proportion is generally referred to as the - law of diminishing return production is a function of - Factors  

411. AGMARK act was enforced in a year – 1937 

412. In mixed farming , the contribution of livestock to gross farm income is at least  

413. Input -Output relationship is also known as - production function  

414. Those product , in which two product produced together are called - joint product  

415. Dumping activity is seen under - monopoly  

416. Export - Import bank of India was set up on - 1st January , 1982 

417. IRDP was stared in the year of - 2 Oct , 1980 

418. When marginal production is zero , then total production is – maximum 

419. National demonstration \project was stared in the year  

420. KVK is also known as - Farm science centre  

421. KVK was stared in the year 1974 

422. Operational Research Project was stared in the year 1974-75 

423. lab to land programme was stared in the year - 1979 June 1 

424. National agri. technology project was stared in the year  1998-99  

425.KVK was recommended by- Mohan Singh Mehta Committee (1974) 

426.Community Development Project was stared on – 1952 

427. National Extension Service (NES) was stared in the year of 1953 

428.Firka Development Scheme was launched under the guidance of National Commission of Agriculture was set up by government of India – 1970 

429. HYVP was started in the year of 1966 

430.Marthendam programme was started by - Dr. Spencer Hatch in 1921 

431.etawah Pilot project was started by - Mr.Albert Mayer in Sep 1948 

432.Indian village Service was started in 1945 by - Mr. Arther T. Mosher and Shri BN gupta  

433.The aim of Etowah Pilot project is - Introducing intensive work on the Rural reconstruction front 

434.Intensive Agriculture District programme was popularly known as - Package programme  

435. IRDP was lunched on - 2 oct 1980 

436.National Agricultural Research project was launched in - Jan, 1979 

437. T&V system was evolved in - 1973 by Israeli expert Daniel Benor At Turkey 

438. Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment ( TRYSEM) in 1979 439. Total number of KVK operating in the country till  Dec 2011 – 600 

440. Antuadya Yojana was started in 2 oct 1977 

441. Sampoorna Grammeen Rojgar Yojna was started in the year of 2001 

442. FCI was started in 1970 

443. FISCAL commission was appointed in 1949 

444. Multiple Cropping Programming was Started in 1966 

445. First irrigation commission was appointed in 1901  

446. first deptt. of agriculture was established in 1881 

447. the extension work must be based on the - Need and interest of people 

448. Father of Extension- J paul Leagons 

449. father of Sociology- August Commte 

450. National agricultural innovation project was stared in – 2005 

451. Total number of national bureaux are – six 

452. Formula of coefficient of variance is - SD/Mean *100 

453. t test is generally used , when sample size is < 30 

454. The correlation coefficient lies between - -1 to + 1 

455. The experimental design ,which simultaneously control the variation in two directions is known as LSD 

456. The basic principles of field experimentation - 1 Replication 2 Randomized 3 Local control 

457. The technique of analysis of variance was developed by - R.A. Fisher  

458. If fertility gradient of land is in two directions , the experimental design will be - Latin Square design 

459. the most commonly used measure of control tendency is - Arithmetic mean  

460. Cumulative frequency is also known as – Ogive 

461. The term ’ Kurtosis ’ was given by - Karl Pearon (1906) 

462. Laplace used the normal distribution in - Analysis of errors of experiments 

463. the important method of least squares was introduced by - Legendre in 1805 

464. The name “ Normal distribution “ was coined independently by - Peirce Galton and Lexix ,  (1875) 

465. Normal distribution is also known as - Law of error ,law of facility of error, lapace’s seconf law , gaussion law etc. 

466. Generalize mean is also known as - Power mean or Holder mean 

467. The standard deviation is widely used measure of - Variability ordisperson  

468.The term standard deviation was first used by - Karl Pearson in 1894 

469.if mean , medium and mode is equal , then skewness will be – zero 

470.Correlation’s are useful because they can indicate a - Predictive relationship  

471.which ANOVA is used when the experimenter want to study the effects of two or more treatment variables - Factorial ANOVA 

472.Which ANOVA is used when the subjects are subjects to repeated measures , in which the same subjects are used for each treatment - Two- Way Anova 

473.The completely randomized design is considered to be most useful in situation where  

1. The experimental units are homogeneous  

2. The experimental are small such as Laboratory experiments  

3. Some experimental units are likely to be destroyed  

474. In field experiments the commonly used design is – RBD 

475. For chi- square test , the minimum sample size should be – 50 

476. Define biometry - It deals with observation with living thing 

477. mean , median and mode are equal in - normal distribution  

478. most frequent number in a data set , is known as - mode  

479. the well-known example of skewed distribution is - Personal wealth 

480. Harmonic mean is the - Reciprocal of arithmetic mean 

481. the term z - test is often used to refer specifically to the - one sample location test  482. t Test is a - Parametric test 

483. the goodness of fit test is also known as - kolmogorov - smirnov test 

484. The number of independent pieces of information that go into the estimate of a parameter is called - Degree of freedom  

485. The typical symbol for degree of freedom is - d.f. 

486. F-test was coined by - George W. Snedecor , in honour of sir Ronald A fisher  

487. The term “ water harvesting “ was first used by – myors 

488. The force working with the attraction of water molecules toward each other is known as - Cohesion  

489. The force working with the attraction of water molecules toward solid particles is known as – Adhesion 

490. The water held tightly to the surface of soil particles by adsorption forces is known as - Hygroscopic water  

491. Water held by force of surface as continuous film around soil particles and in capillary space is known as - capillary water  

492. Capillary water is held between tension of 31 and 1/3 atmosphere  

493. the movement of water from the surface into the soil is Called - Infiltration  

494. The water moves freely in response to gravitational force and drain out of the soil is called as gravitational water  

495. the water between field capacity & permanent wilting point is called as - Available water  

496. Drip irrigation concept was proposed by - Simcha blass 

497. One ha. Cm of irrigation is equal to 100000 litters 

498. major source of irrigation in India is wells (52%) 

499. Which irrigation method is widely used in fruit orchard - Bain method  

500. Intermittent on & off system used in irrigation method is