Medicinal plants are also called as medicinal herbs, have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since prehistoric times. Medicinal plants are widely used in non- industrialized societies, mainly because they are readily available and cheaper than modern medicines.

But, medicinal plants faces both general threats such as climate change and habitat destruction, and the specific threat of over- collection to meet market demand.

Our motherland is universally entitled as the ” Botanical Garden of the globe” , owing to her wealth of herbal medicines. The bio diversity of the rich area of Jammu and Kashmir happens to be one of the 26 hotspots in India with high endemicity with the reports of some 4439 species of Angiosperms , 19 species of Gymnosperms, 168 species of Pteridophytes.

Jammu and Kashmir medicinal plant

Dryland agriculture refers to growing of crop entirely under rainfed conditions. Based on the amount of rainfall received Dryland Agriculture can be grouped into three categories. a) dry farming, b) dryland farming c) Rainfed farming.

Medicinal plants grown in Dryland areas in Jammu and Kashmir are :

In Jammu Region :- Cymbogon flexuosus( Lemon grass); C.winterianus (Citronella) ; C.maritinii ( Palmrosa) ; Vetiveria zizanoides ( Vetiver) ; Pelargonia graveolens (Rose geranium); Eucalyptus citriodes; Argemone graveolens; Bacopa monnieri ( water hissop) ; Andrographis paniculate (green chirata)

In Leh Region:- Aconitum rotundifolia (queen of poisons or blue rocket) ; codonopsis ovata ( Kashmir bonnet bellflower) Cuscuta capitata ( Rosy dodderInula royleana ( Himalayan elecampane) ; Mlongifolia ( Horse mint) ; Mentha arvensis ( Mint) ; Allium carolnianum ( jungli pyaz) ; carum carvi ( caraway)

In Kargil Region:- Aconitum heterophyllum ( aconites) ; Arnebia euchroma ( Pink arnebia) ; Carum carvi ( caraway) ; Chenopodium botrys ( Jerusalem oak goosefoot) ; Coriandum sativum ( Coriander) ; Juniperus communis ( common juniper/ siberian juniper) ; Malva parviflora( cheese wood mallow)

List of Categories of Medicinal plants in Dryland areas:-

Plants. spacing.(ft). No.of plants

Oleander 1.35 x 1.2 22,200

Ashwagandha 0.9 x 0.9 44,000

Kashibadane 2.7 x 1.8 4920

So, as we all know that medicinal plants have lot of benefits therefore we can keep some medicinal plants in home for e.g.: Tulsi, turmeric, garlic, mint, marigold, lavender etc.

Let me tell you health benefits and common uses of some common medicinal plants which can be available even at your garden and even in your pots!

1) Thyme:

Thyme ( Thymus vulgaris) is a popular herb used in cooking. Thymol is found in thyme and is commonly used in mouthwash and vapor rubs. This compound gives thyme its anti- fungal and anti- bacterial properties. Thyme’s antifungal properties also helps prevent food borne illnesses since it can decontaminate food and prevent infections in the body.

Health benefits:- 1)Soothes sore throats and cough.

2) Improves blood circulation.

3) Treats respiratory problems.

4) Supports Immune system.

Common Uses:- 1) Sprinkle as a garnish for meals.

2) Brew fresh leaves for tea

2) Basil:

Basil ( Ocimum basilicum) is a common herb used to garnish salads, pasta and many other meals to add delicious flavour. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals present in Basil, such as Potassium (K) and Iron ( Fe). Holy basil commonly known as Tulsi is a scientific species that originates from India. It is considered as a secret plant that is used in pooja , and even in teas , ointments and many more to help treat a variety of ailments like fever and diabetes. This species has much more stronger effect than Common Basil.

Health benefits:- 1) Reduce stress

2) strong antibacterial properties

3) Rich source of anti oxidants

4) Reduces inflammation and swelling

5) strengthens bones and liver

6) Boosts immunity, metabolism.

7) Improves digestion.

Common uses: 1) sprinkle as garnish for flavours

2) includes as ingredients for smoothies.

3) Garlic:-

Garlic (allium sativum) helps keep away unwanted diseases. This plant is great in fighting for infections, aiding with cholesterol management. Eating garlic on regular basis is good for your over all health and easy to incorporate into a wide array of dishes. Raw garlic is the most potent, so try eating it uncooked for health benefits.

Health benefits:- 1) Helps prevent heart disease.

2) Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure

3) Improves digestive health

Common Uses:- 1) use as ingredients or garnish for dishes.

2) Consume Raw.


Marigolds ( tagetes) are fragrant plants that may help to improve their overall skin health. These vibrant flowers carry a lot of antioxidants and other healthy compunds that make them perfect choice to keep in home! These plants not only keep your skin healthy but also keep insects away.

Health benefits:- 1) soothes skin and treats skin diseases.

2) Reduces inflammation

3) strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

4) Treats ear pain and infection.

Common Uses:- 1) Brew dried flowers for a tea.

2)Apply essential oil

Although there are some constraints of medicinal plants / herbs in dryland areas, you can cultivate those plants / gerbs which can be easily grown in dryland areas. India and China are the largest producer of the medicinal plants in the world. This contribution can increase the economic condition in Agricultural sector.

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