What do you mean by food security?

Food security means to have physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet dietary needs for a productive and healthy life

Four Components of food security:

Availability of food

Access to food

Food security

Utilization of food

Agriculture and Food Security:

Agriculture is vital to our survival and one of the main food sources for poor people in rural areas. Today more food than ever is produced on our planet, enough to cover everyone’s needs for food. But at the same time, more than 800 million people live with hunger because they do not have enough food, mainly in South Asia and Africa. Also, agriculture is considered to be one of the greatest threats to our environment because it contributes to global warming, biodiversity loss and makes it difficult for nature to contribute to human well-being in the same way as before.

This is why it is important to create more productive and climate and environmentally sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture not only contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and preservation and development of biodiversity and ecosystems. It also means less soil erosion and deforestation and that it will be easier for people to support themselves and get out of poverty.

Effects of food insecurity:-

First let’s understand what leads to food insecurity from the above picture. Poverty, poor nutrition among children, adults includes greater risk for chronic disease and poor mental health.

How do we get food security?

Use fertilizers more efficiently

Raise low water productivity

Target food for direct consumption

Close the yield gap

Reduce food waste

Threats to the food security :

World population growth

Increase demand for food

Food price

Disapperance of the variety of agricultural plant species

Increase in the area of scarcity water

Limitation of the availability of land

Food loss and food waste

Information and knowledge are not enough for effective nutrition care and support without household food security.YOU can change your food habits and be healthy.

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