Do you know? India has been ranked first in the number of organic farmers and ninth in terms of area under organic farming. 

Sikkim has become the first state in the world to become fully organic. Other states including Uttarakhand and Tripura have also set similar sustainability targets.

North-east India has traditionally been organic and the consumption of chemicals is far less than the rest of the country. Other states are also encouraged by this method.

Organic Farming: let’s first understand how we came through Organic farming, i mean is this new concept or indigenous? Organic farming is not a new concept in India, as Indian farmers have traditionally tilled their land without the use of chemicals, relying majorly on organic residues including composts and cow dung.

Organic farming involves the integration of natural elements such as soil, water, microbes and waste products, forestry and agriculture. It is the ideal method for sustainable use of natural resources that are coming under severe stress due to the increasing requirement of food and feedstock for agriculture-based industry.

Indian organic farmers will be able to create their place in the global agriculture trade with greater awareness and capacity building in compliance with international standards.

Central government is also helping those, who want to start up with this. The central government had launched two dedicated programs in 2015 to provide a boost to natural, organic and chemical-free farming. The schemes include:
Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North East Region (MOVCD)
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)


Major Export in World: India’s major organic exports include flax seeds, sesame, soybean, tea, medicinal plants, rice and pulses. These exports were instrumental in driving an increase of nearly 50 percent in organic exports in 2018-19, touching Rs 5151 crore.

So i would like to sum up with my thought, that if you get such opportunity, to go organic then don’t wait; let’s start cultivating organic because ” once in your life you need a doctor, you need a policeman, but every day, three times a day , you need a farmer”.