Mango different Varieties in different state



Varieties grown

Andhra Pradesh


Allumpur Baneshan, Banganapalli, Bangalora, Cherukurasam, Himayuddin, Suvernarekha, Neelum, Totapuri



Bathua, Bombai, Himsagar, Kishen Bhog, Sukul, Gulab Khas, Zardalu, Langra, Chausa, Dashehari, Fazli



Fernandin, Mankurad



Alphonso, Kesar, Rajapuri, Vanraj, Jamadar, Totapuri, Neelum, Dashehari, Langra



Dashehari, Langra, Sarauli, Chausa, Fazli

Himachal Pradesh


Chausa, Dashehari, Langra



Jardalu, Amrapalli, Mallika, Bombai, Langra, Himsagar, Chausa, Gulabkhas



Alphonso, Bangalora, Mulgoa, Neelum, Pairi, Baganapalli, Totapuri



Mundappa, Olour, Pairi

Madhya Pradesh


Alphonso, Bombay Green, Langra, Sunderja, Dashehari, Fazli, Neelum, Amrapalli, Mallika



Alphonso, Mankurad, Mulgoa, Pairi, Rajapuri, Kesar, Gulabi, Vanraj



Baneshan, Langra, Neelum, Suvarnarekha, Amrapalli, Mallika



Dashehari, Langra, Chausa, Malda



Bombay Green, Chausa, Dashehari, Langra

Tamil Nadu


Banganapalli, Bangalora, Neelum, Rumani, Mulgoa, Alphonso, Totapuri

Uttar Pradesh


Bombay Green, Dashehari, Langra, Safeda Lucknow, Chausa,


West Bengal


Bombai, Himsagar, Kishen Bhog, Langra, Fazli, Gulabkhas, Amrapalli, Mallika

Some important question

Question – 1. Nagpur mandarin is propagated by which plant propagation technique? 
(a). Air Layring.
(b). T budding. 
(c). Patch budding. 
(d). Micro budding.✅✅  
Question – 2. Virus free micro grafts in citrus is possible with? 
(a). Meristem. 
(b). Ring budding. 
(c). Shoot-tip grafting.✅✅ 
(d). In arching.    

Question – 3. Which is best root stock considering disease free tomato? 
(a). Solanum nigrum.✅✅ 
(b). Solanum Americanum.
(c). Solanum mammosum. 
(d). Solanum melangena.   

Question – 4. Growing ornamentals in window box is known as?
 (a). Square box gardening. 
(b). Window gardening.
(c). Home gardening.
 (d). All are alternatives to each other.   

Question – 5. Extended form of arch is known as? 
(a). Pergola. 
(b). Arches. 
(c). Trellis. 
(d). Edge.   

Question – 6. Roshanara Garden in Delhi is an example of? 
(a). Mughal garden. 
(b). Japanese garden. 
(c). English garden.
(d). Free style garden.    

Question – 7. Biologically, mango hopper can be controlled by? 
(a). Pseudomonas.
(b). Bacillus thuringiensis.
 (c). Beauveria bassiana.✔️ ✔️
(d). Ti bacteria.    

Question – 8. Minimum area of forest in a country for ecological balance should be? 
(a). 21%. 
(b). 35%. 
(c). 17%. 
(d). 33%. ✔️   ✔️

Question – 9. Miniature garden under closed container is known as? 
(a). Box garden. 
(b). Square garden. 
(c). Terrarium.✅✅ 
(d). Ornamental glass garden.    

Question – 10. Micro Propagation Technology Park is located at?
 (a). IIHR, Bangaluru. 
(b). TERI, New Delhi.✅✅
(c). IIAR, New Delhi. 
(d). IVRI, Varanasi. 

Question – 11. Scientific name of mango steen is? 
(a). Mangifera stina. 
(b). Medica indica. 
(c). Garcinia mangostana.✔️✔️
 (d). Mangifera sylvestica.    

Question – 12. Joining of vascular tissue to form grafted plant is known as?
(a). inosculation✔️ ✔️
(b). Budding.
(c). Patch. 
(d). Cambium grafting.    

Question – 13. Lower portion of a grafted planted is called? 
(a). Root stock.✔️ ✔️
(b). Scion. 
(c). Stem stock. 
(d). Non of the above.    

Question – 14. Pollination in rubber is completed by? 
(a). House fly. 
(b). Air. 
(c). Fig wasp✔️ ✔️
(d). It is self pollinated.    

Question – 15. Which type of plant helps to trap dust. 
(a). Plant with narrow and long leaves. 
(b). Plant with large size and hairy leaves.✔️ 
(c). Plant with small and rough leaves. 
(d). Plant with small and long leaves.    

Question – 16. Central Institute of Horticulture is located at? 
(a). Bengaluru. 
(b). Aimer. 
(c). Degradun. 
(d). Mediziphemar.