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Agriculture Mock Test - 27

1st in Agriculture

✍️1:-1st Book in Horticulture - Fruit Growing India by agripdfs W.B.Hayes(1945)- Litchi 

✍️2:-1 st President of Horticulture Society of India - G.S.Cheema  

✍️3:-1 st Indian Horticulture Congress held - 2004 

✍️4:-1st Regional Fruit Research station in UP - Sharanpur 

✍️5:-1 st Truly Anti-coagulant Rodenticide - Warfarin 

✍️6:-1 st Indigenously developed fungicide - Contaf by Rallis 

✍️7:-1 st Folic acid is found in Spinach Leaves 

✍️8:-1 st Agricultural Chemist of ICAR - J.W.Leather 

✍️9:-1 st micronutrient discovered - Fe 

✍️10:-1 st Fertilizer used - Calcium Nitrate 

✍️11:-1 st ammonia plant was established in 1913 by Fritz Haber and Carp Bosch (Germany) 

✍️12:-1 st soilless cultivation introduced in Kalimpong, Darjeeling, West Bengal 

✍️13:- 1 st crop raised in Hydroponics is Tomato cv. Pipo 

✍️14:-1st Biosphere Reserve in India is Nilgiris Biosphere Reserch

✍️15:-1st Gene Sanctuary for conservation of Citrus Spp. -Citrus Gene Sanctuary (NOKREK Biosphere Reserve)-

✍️16:- 1st Haploid induction was developed by Guha and Mageshwari in 1966 - Datura innoxi.

✍️17:- 1st Successful embryo culture Cherry embryo (1993) 

✍️18:-1st Molecular marker RFLP (1980) 

👍19:-1st concept of Genetic map was presented by Alfred H. Sturtevant 1913 

✍️20 :-1st Genetic map was published in1911 by T.H.Morgan
✍️21:-1 st Tagged QTL in plants:
fw2.2 (fruit wt in tomato) .

✍️22:-1 st Bacterial Genome Sequenced - Haemophilus influenza 

✍️23:-1 st Multicellular Organism Sequenced - Caenorhabditis elegans 

✍️24:- 1 st Plant Sequenced - Arabidopsis thaliana.

✍️25:- 1 st Crop Plant Sequenced - Rice 

✍️26:- 1 st Non-Grassy Plant Sequenced – Banana 

✍️27:- 1 st Sequenced fruit - Grapes 

✍️28:-1 st Genetic Engineering Company - GENETECH (1976) 

✍️29:-1 st Transgenic Plant - Tobacco in 1983 by Belgium Biotech Company 

✍️30:-1 st Transgenic Variety - “Flavr Savr’’ (Tomato) Calgene Company -> Enhanced Vase of life 

✍️31:-1 st Apple orchard is 1870 by Captain lee 

✍️32:-1 st HDP - Apple ->England 1960 

✍️33:-1 st Planted kiwi - Lal bagh , Bangalore 

✍️34:-1 st Mango Introduction to USA (1833) from Brazil

✍️35:- 1 st Consignment of Mango Cvs. export to Japan : Langra & chausa 

✍️36:-1 st The word “Mangifera” was used by Bontius in 1658 

✍️37:- 1 st to Emphasize Importance of Floral characters in mango classification - Hartless 1913 

✍️38:- 1 st to classify varieties based on Fruit characters, Panicle Axis colour, Pubescence on panicle and No. of Embryo in seeds – Popenoe(1932) 

✍️39:-1 st Initiated Inter-varietal Hybridization in mango – Burns and Prayag in 1911 at Poona 

✍️40:- 1 st Observed Spongy tissue – G.S.Cheema & Dhani in 1934 

✍️41:- 1 st Observed Internal Fruit Necrosis – Sant Ram in 1972 

✍️:-42. 1st Observed Black Tip- Woodhouse in 1909 

✍️43:-1 st Observed Mango Malformation – Dharbanga, Bihar by maries in 1891 

✍️44:- 1 st Country to exploit International Trade in cashew Kernals – India

✍️45:- 1 st Pineapple Hybrid in India – Amritha (Kew X Ripley Queen) by Pineapple Research Centre , KAU, 

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