Terms and related agronomists

Terms/field : Agronomist

* Irrigation Agronomy : Dr. N.G. Dastane

* Cropping System : Dr. S.S. Bains

* Irrigation Engineering : A.M. Michele

* SRNF(slow release nitrogen fertilizer) : Dr. Rajendra Prasad

* CRI in wheat : B. L. Bhardwaj

* Functional nutrient : Nicholus, 1963

* Essentiality of nutrient : Arnon & Stout 1939 (refined
by Arnon 1954)

* Agrobiology : Wilcox

* IW/CPE Ratio : Parihar et al 1974

* Transplanting in pearl millet : Dr. Gautum

* Coefficient of effectiveness : Nichiporovic (1950)

* H-4 hybrid of cotton : Dr. C.T. Patel (GUJ.) 1970

* Jaya (first Indian variety of rice) : Dr. Shastry

* Low of minimum : J.V. Liebig in 1840

* Low of limiting factor : Black man (1905)

* Increase yield N low : Wilcox (1929)

* Leaf area index : Watson (1947) 

* Nutrient mobility concept : Brays R.H

* A value concept : Dean & Friend (for P)

* Harvesting index : Donald

* Photoperiodism concept : Gardener & Aliard 1920

* Thermoperiodism : F. Went

* Vernalization : Lysenko

* Antibiotics (Penicillin) : Alexandrian Fleming 1929

* Bacillus radicicola (now Rhizobium) : Beijerinck 1890