Economic Entomology

Regular pest - Certain insects occur more frequently on a crop e.g. Thrips on chillies, Aphid on cotton, fruit borer on brinjal and bhendi and epilachna beetle on brinjal. 

Occasional pest - Many insect occur rather infrequently and
have no close association with particular group e.g. case worm of rice, mango stem borer.

Seasonal pest - Insect which occur during particular part of
Year e.g. red hairy caterpillar on groundnut in kharif. 

Persistence pest- Pest which occur on a group almost through year e.g. thrips on chillies.

Sporadic pest - Pest which occur in few isolated localities e.g. occurrence of rice earhead bug

Epidenic pest - When infestation Occur in severe form in region or locality at particular season or lime e.g. Locust

Endemic pest - If the infestation observed of regular feature and
confined mostiy to a particular area. 

Negligible pest - If the insect cause a loss of less than 5% of

Minor pest - Insect causes losses between 5 to 10%.

Major pest - Insect causes losses more than 10% of yield.