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  • In this blog you will get weakly quizes
  • Each Quizzes are base on your agriculture exam pattern
  • I am definitely sure it is useful for your exam preparation
  • Each quize will have 20 mcqs & 30 sec time to attempt each question
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Mega quiz -06


✅Excess moisture and mould, insects and rodents are known to be responsible for damage and loss to stored products.

🔘  Internal Feeders 🔘
✅The larvae feed entirely within the kernels or grain or stored material.

✅1. Rice Weevil - Sitophilus oryzae

The weevil is dark brown. The female makes a small hole on the grain, deposits an egg. The grub feeds inside the grain, pupates there itself and emerges through an irregular hole made on the grain.

✅2. The Lesser Grain Borer or Paddy Borer Beetle -Rhizopertha dominica

The dark brown beetle has its head bent under the thorax and the posterior abdominal end blunt. 
The grubs develop within kernels.

✅3. The Tobacco Beetle -Lasioderma serricorne

The brown round beetle has its thorax and head bent downward. The creamy white oval eggs are laid on the surface of stored material. The whitish hairy grubs feed on stored tobacco, ginger, turmeric and chillies.

✅4. Pulse Beetle - Callosobruchus chinensis 

The beetle is small, dark brown. White elongated eggs are laid on the pulse. 
The grubs feed on the inner contents of pulses and pupate inside them. The egg, larval and pupal periods are 3, 12 and 4 days respectively. 

✅5. Angoumois Grain Moth - Sitotroga cerealella
The caterpillars feed on the internal contents of grains and pupate inside the grains. It inflicts severe damage to unhusked paddy.

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