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Agriculture Mock Test - 25

   Quiz Application 🔴Terminologies of Soil Science🔴

1⃣Activated Sludge- Sludge that has been areated & subjected to bacterial action.

 2⃣Air Entry Value- The value of water content at which air first enters a porous media.

3⃣Albite - A plagioclase feldspar containing Na.True Sodium Mineral.

4⃣Entropy - A measure of the unavailable energy in a system.

5⃣ Microcline- A potassium feldspar.

6⃣Nanoscience- Science of observing, measuring & understanding the properties, behaviour, functionality & phenomenon of nano sized objects.

7⃣Remediation - It is the process of removing undesirable materials/ impurities from the bulk.

8⃣Salt balance- Quantity of soluble salt removed from an irrigated area in the  drainage water minus that delivered into the irrigation water.

9⃣Soil matrix- The soild phase constituents of the soil ,often used to refer to the soil pore system withinn aggregates.

1⃣0⃣Soil monolith- A vertical section of a soil profile removed from the soil & mounted for display & study.

1⃣1⃣Sonication - It uses the sound energy to agitate particles, breaking intermolecular interactions.

1⃣2⃣Spatial variability- It refers to the variation in soil properties (i) laterally across the landscape (ii) vertically downward through the soil.

1⃣3⃣Toposequence- A sequence of related soil differs from one to another due to topography.

1⃣4⃣Tortuosity- Property of soil used to describe diffusion in porous media in soil.

1⃣5⃣Void ratio- Volume of soil pore space/ solid particles volume.

1⃣6⃣Vadose Zone - The areated region of soil above the permanent water table.

1⃣7⃣ Top Down Approach- It involves the division of a larger solid into smaller portions (nanoparticles) 

1⃣8⃣Permafrost- A perennially frozen soil horizon underlying the solum.


1⃣9⃣Manure and Compost- Manure is partially decomposed, unstable organic amendment whereas Compost is completely decomposed, stable organic amendment.

2⃣0⃣ODR- ODR is Oxygen Diffusion Rate which is measured by Small Platinum Wire Electrode.ODR=I/A ×0.497×10^-8 g.cm^-2.min^-1; I in microamp & A in cm

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