General Agriculture

Agriculture one liner -11

🔰 The ‘Sawai chal’ is the particular character of?- *Kankrej Bull*

🔰 Which is the oldest method of feeding the chicks, broilers and layers? - *Whole grain feeding*

🔰 How is fertilizer quality controlled in India? - *Fertilizer Control Order*

🔰 Insects are included in the phylum? - *Arthopoda*

🔰 What is the range of soil pH? - *0-14*

🔰 Rural cooperative credit societies in India were organized based on the which model? - *Raiffeisen*

🔰 Who gave the ‘Weende method of feed analysis? - *Stohman and Hennberg*

🔰 Papaya is commercially propagated by? - *Seed*

🔰 Banana is commercially propagated by?- *Sucker*

🔰 Girdling is most common in? - *Grape*

🔰 Balanagar is a variety of? - *Custard apple*

🔰 Water infiltration is more rapid in which of soils? - *Sandy soils*
🔰 Close planting of tall growing trees all around the orchard is called as:? - *Wind break*

🔰 Grape is a?- *Non climacteric*

🔰 Which are plants with woody stems which are smaller than trees but bigger than herbaceous plants ? - *Shrub*

🔰 Mung contains nearly __of proteins?- *24%*

🔰 The artificial application of water into soil to supplement rainfall for crop production.? - *Irrigation*

🔰 A mineral that forms an original component of rock is called as? - *Primary mineral*

🔰 Soils in India are formed in depressions under submerged condition? - *Peaty and marshy*

🔰 Black pepper is known as .? - *king of spices*

🔰 physical condition of the soil resulting from the tillage.? - *Tilth*

🔰 An apex organization of marketing cooperatives for agricultural produce in India? - *NAFED*

🔰 Which Prime Minister launched India’s first television dedicated to farmers, DD Kisan? - *Narendra Modi*

🔰 Which nutrients are immobile in plants? - *Ca and B*

🔰 Which are the primary soil particles? - *Clay, silt, sand*

🔰 Which soil has the maximum nutrient holding capacity? - *Clay soil*

🔰 Which nutrient imparts disease resistance to crops? - *K*

🔰 Late blight of potato is caused by?
- *Phytopthora infestans*

🔰 Which is the first fertilizer produced in India? - *Single super phosphate*

🔰 Groundnut faces a serious problem of aflatoxin which is caused by? - *Aspergillus flavous*

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