1. Occurrence of more than one embryo in seed is knwon as–

(A) Polysomy
(B) Polyembryoy
(B) Apogamy
(D) None

2. First hybrid of pegionpea in the world is–
(A) ICPH - 8
(B) ICPH - 10
(C) PUSA - Arhar

3. The moisture content for safe storage of cerrals is–
(A) 12-14%
(B) 14-16%
(C) 16-18%
(D) 18-20%

4. Neurotoxin present in lathyrus is–

5. The constutuent of wheat affecting its baking quality is–
(A) Glutin
(B) Pectin
(C) Vitamin B1
(D) Moisture

6. The blotter method of seed health testing detects primarily–
(A) Virus
(B) Fungi
(C) Bacteria

(D) Nematodes
7. A sound seed certification programme requires–
(A) Direct participation of breeder
(B) Use of sophesticated equipment
(C) Classification of seed
(D) Support of law

8. The Rudimentary root of the seed or seedling that forms the primary root of the young plant is known as–
(A) Rachis
(B) Radicle
(C) Rachilla
(D) Raceme

9. Mode of pollination in maize is–
(A) Self-pollination
(B) Vegetative propagation
(C) Cross-pollination
(D) None

10. T2 test colour of living tissues of seed changed to–
(A) Red
(B) Blue
(C) Yellow
(D) Green

11. Maximum moisture content for safe storage in wheat seed is–
(A) 12
(B) 15
(C) 7
(D) None

12. The structure and function of nitrogenase can be studied by–
(C) Massbauer spectroscopy
(D) All

13. In India, normally how many generation system seed are produced?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

14. Dicot endospermic seed is–
(A) Castor
(B) Fenugreek
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Bean

15. When the pathogen is loosely mixed with seed in the form of sclerotia, galls etc are called–
(A) Infection
(B) Infestation
(C) Contamination
(D) Concomitant contamination

16. Slow drying seed is–
(A) Cereals
(B) Rapeseed and mustard
(C) Grass
(D) Pulses

17. Which is total root parasite ?
(A) Orobanchae
(B) Conophalis
(C) Epitagus
(D) All

18. +ve photoblastic seeds are–
(A) Nigella
(B) Silene
(C) Nemophills
(D) Arraranutum

19. Germination is inhibited by–
(A) Red light
(B) Blue light
(C) IR light
(D) UV light

20. Tetrazolium test determine the level of activities of enzyme–
(A) ATPase
(B) Dehydrogenase
(C) Carboxylase
(D) Isomerase

21. Murate of potash is–
(A) K2S04
(B) KCl
(C) KN03
(D) K2HP04

22. Production of seedless grapes require–
(A) Gibberlins
(C) Ethylene

23. Inflorescence of cauliflower is called–
(A) Catkin
(B) Head
(C) Curd
(D) None

24. Pusa snow ball is variety of–
(A) Sapotqa
(B) Cauliflower
(C) Ber
(D) Cabbage

25. Development of embryo without fertillization is–
(A) Apomixis
(B) Amghimixis
(B) Parheno carpy
(D) None

26. Occurrence of more than one embryo in seed is knwon as–
(A) Polysomy
(B) Polyembryoy
(B) Apogamy
(D) None

27. First hybrid of pegionpea in the world is–
(A) ICPH - 8
(B) ICPH - 10
(C) PUSA - Arhar

28. The moisture content for safe storage of cerrals is–
(A) 12-14%
(B) 14-16%
(C) 16-18%
(D) 18-20%

29. Neurotoxin present in lathyrus is–

30. The constutuent of wheat affecting its baking quality is–
A) Glutin
(B) Pectin
(C) Vitamin B1
(D) Moisture