History of Nematology in india

1901: Barber reported root knot nematode' (Meloidogyne spp.)
infesting tea in Kerala as a first PPN in India.

1913: Butler, reported Ufra disease of rice caused by Ditylenchus angustus from Bengal.

1919: Milne, reported Anguina tritici (seed gall) of wheat in Punjab.

1936 : Dastur, reported white tip disease of rice by Aphelenchoides besseyi'.

1958 : Vasudeva reported Molya disease of wheat (H. anenae) from Neem ka Thana, Sikar, Rajasthan, later by Sesadhari (1959),

1961 : Siddiqi, reported citrus nematode from UP (Aligarh).

1961: FGW Jones reported potato cyst (Globodera rostochiensis) Nematode from Nilgiri (TN).

1966: Division of Nematology established at IARI, New Delhi.

1969 : Nematological Society of India was founded at IARI.

1971: First time Indian Journal of Nematology published.

1977 : All India Co-ordinate Research Project (AICRP) on
Nematode pests of crops and their control started.