Difference between organic and inorganic compost

Organic fertilizers

Inorganic fertilizers

1. All plant nutrients are found in them.

1. They usually contain 1, 2, 3 elements.
2. They are more in volume and bulky.2. They are relatively low in volume and                 lighter i.e. concentrated.

3. They can be easily prepared on the farm like - compost, dung manure, green manure

3.These are prepared only in the factory like –     urea etc.
4. Their cost is less.

4. These are expensive.
5. Their quantity has to be put more in the field, because % amount of elements is  less in them.

5. Due to the high content of these elements,      relatively little has to be added. 

6. The effect of organic fertilizers is long-term (2-3 years or more) when applied to the soil.

6. When these are put in the field/crop, most        of the elements are absorbed by a single          crop or in a year.
7. These residues leave an effect after use.

7. These residues do not leave an impact.
8. By using them, the physical, chemical and biological condition of the land improves, air circulation increases and the temperature remains controlled.
8. Due to their continuous use, the condition        of the land worsens and the crop response      to nutrients decreases, air circulation does        not increase and temperature is not                  controlled.

9. There is no bad effect on the crop if used more.

9. The crop gets scorched when applied               more in the crops.
10. No special precautions are required in storage.10. Care has to be taken while storing in godowns, otherwise, due to moisture, there are lumps in the fertilizers such as in urea, DAP.

11. They have to be used 1-1.5 months           before the sowing of the crop.

11. They can be given on sowing (P, and K fertilizers) and in standing crop in top dressing or foliar spray.
12. When rotting in the soil, organic acids are released which increases the solubility of other elements.

   12. Does not happen like this.
13. The water absorbing and holding capacity of the land increases.

13. Does not happen like this.
14. Helps in the growth of bacteria.

Does not happen like this.
15. The C/N ratio remains balanced.The C/N ratio deteriorates.