Contribution of Agriculture Experts : 

1. Dr. M. S. Swaminathan:

. Wheat breeder

. Father of Green Revolution in India.

. Ex. Member of Planning Conmission

. World Food Prize (1987) given by FAO

. Was honored as a Millennium prize' by former Prime Minister A. B. Vajpai in 88th National Science Congress held on 3-7 Jan, 2001 at IARI, New Delhi.

. Ex. President of National Commission on Farnmers of India.

. The book entitled" Wheat Revolution Written by him

2. Dr. N. E. Borlaug:

. Father of Green Revolution' in World

. He was American wheat scientist (Plant Pathologist)

. Awarded Noble Peace Prize in 1970.

3. Verges Kurien:

. Father of White Revolution in India

. Ex. Chairman of NDDB, Anand (Gujarat) 

. Brain behind the scheme Operation Flood' (1970-1996)

. Magsaysay Award, in 1963.

Got World Food Prize' in 1989

4. S. K. Vashal:

. Maize breeder working at CIMMYT. 

. Awarded" World Food Prize in the year 2000 for research on

QPM (maize rich in amino acids tryptophan and lysine along with Dr. E. Villegas.

5. Dr. K. L. Chadda:

. Pomologist

. Father of Golden Revoiution' in India.

6. Dr. R. S. Paroda :

. Forage Breeder

. Ex. D.G. of ICAR

7. Anrita Patel:

Chairperson of NDDB. Anand

8. Sanjay Raja Ram:

. International wheat breeder. 

. Awarded "Chinas Friendsihip Mandel "in 2001

9. Dr. G. S. Khush :

. Rice Breeder.

. Wolf Prize for Agriculture, 2000 for his extra ordinary contribution to Plant breeding and genetics especially in Rice.
