1. Agriculture- Latin word-ager' or agri' meaning soil' and cultura' meaning 'cultivation'

2. Agronomy-Greek word-agros' meaning 'field' and nomos' meaning'manage'

3. Horticulture-Latin word-'hortus' meaning 'garden' and cultura' meaning 'culture or growing'

4. Pomology-Latin -Greek word- Combination of Latin word ponum' meaning 'fruit' and greek word 'logy' or 'logos meaning 'discourse, treatise, or science'.

5. Olericulture-Latin word-oleris' meaning 'pot herb' and english word 'culture' meaning 'cultivation'

6. Floriculture-Latin word-•

7. Extension-Latin word-'ex' meaning 'out' and tensio' meaning 'stretching'

8. Soil Science-Latin word- catena' meaning 'chain

' 9. Soil-Latin word-so/um' meaning "ground'

10. Monsoon-Arabic word- mausim' meaning 'season

' 11. Biodynamics-Greek word-bios' meaning 'life' and 'dynamics' meaning 'energy'

12. Truck gardening-French word truck-'torquer' meaning to barter or exchange'

13. Nematode-Greek word-nema' meaning 'thread' and 'told' meaning

14. Pedology-Greek word- pedon' meaning 'soil or earth'

15. Pedogogy-Greek word-'paid' meaning 'child' and agogus' meaning 'leader

'16. Market-Latin word-marcatus' meaning 'place of trade, traffic or merchandise'.

17. Evolution-Latin word-evolutio' meaning 'unrolling or rolling out'

18. Enzyme-Greek word-'en' meaning 'in' and zyme' meaning 'ferment/living'

19. Credit-Latin word-'credo' meaning 'I trust you'.

20. Society-Latin word-societas' which was derived from noun socius' meaning 'comrade, friend,ally'.

21. Vulgarization'popularize' French word-'vulgarize' meaning

22. Cell —Latin word-cellula' meaning 'small compartment'

23. 'In- vivo' and 'In- vitro' — Latin word-'In -vivo' meaning within the living' and 'In -vitro' meaning 'within the glass'

24. Plastid — GreA word-plastikas' meaning 'formed or moulded'

25. Ecology-Greek word-'Oikos' meaning 'house/dwelling place' and 'logos' meaning 'study'

26. Entomology-Greek word-'entomo' meaning 'insect' means 'cut into(section)' and 'logos' meaning 'discourse'

27. Arthropoda-Greek word-arthros' meaning 'segmented' and podu.s' meaning 'leg'

28. Phytopathology-Greek word-phyton' meaning 'plant' , meaning 'ailments' and logus' meaning pathos' knowledge'

29. Fungicide-Latin word-'fungus' meaning 'fungus' and caedo' meaning 'to kill' 

30. Meteorology-Greek word- Meteoro' meaning above the earth's surface' (atmosphere) and 'logy' meaning 'indicating science'