🔘🔘Plant breeding🔘🔘

✅1. Monogenic traits show which type of variation: Discontineous

✅2. Purpose of Bagging is to prevent: Cross-pollination

✅3. Purpose of Emasculation is to prevent: Self-pollination

✅4. Among Pollen grain and female gamete which is more sensitive to environmental disturbance: Pollen grain

✅5. Protoandry condition found in Maize crop

✅6. Protogyne condition found in Bajra crop

✅7. Clipping method of emasculation done in Rice crop.

✅8. Examples of CHAs: Sodium Methyl Arsenate (MG2), Ethephon, GA3, Hybrex

✅9. Circular tag size: 3 cm dia.
10.Rectangular tag size: 3 x 2 cm

✅11.In Maize, bajra, Jowar tag size is: 6 x 3 cm

✅12.Octaploid Triticale is a cross between: Hexaploid Wheat X Tetraploid Rye

✅13.‘Law of homologous series of variation’ is also called as: ‘Law of parallel variation’

✅14.‘Law of homologous series of variation’ was given by: N. I. Vavilov

✅15.Frequency of plants heterozygous for different no. of genes in a segregating generation is obtained by the formula: [1+(2m-1)]n

✅16.Frequency of completely homozygous plant in any segregating generation
by the formula: [(2m-1)/2m]n

✅17.The primitive cultivars which are selected and cultivated by the farmer for many generations called: Land races

✅18.Phenotype of an individual influenced by: Both genotype & Environment

✅19.Self-pollination pollination is the most intense form of Inbreeding.

✅20.Scientific name of Johannsen’s research crop: Phaseolus vulgaris (Rajma/ French bean)

✅21.In cotton which type of emasculation mostly followed: Thumb and nail method

✅22.Which type of male sterility system recently developed in cotton: CGMS

✅23.Full name of CIMMYT: Centro-International de Mezoramiento de Maize Y Trigo (or International centre for Wheat and Maize Improvement)
✅24.Coventionally, visual selection is the basis of selection in method: Mass selection
✅25.Triticale is a cross between: Triticum aestivum X Secale serial
✅26.H4 variety of cotton developed from: GAU, Surat station
✅27.Varalaxmi variety of Cotton developed from: UAS, Dharwad 
✅28.CIMMYT mainly conduct research on Wheat and Maize crop.
✅29.Effect of pollen grain on the maternal tissue called: Metaxenia
✅30.Effect of pollen grain on the seed coat, chalaza is called : Xenia
✅31.For resistance breeding the better parent is crossed with Wild relatives parent
✅32.Pedigree method is designated for Transgressive breeding.

✅33.Sex in plants discovered by: Camerarious (1964)
✅34.Artificial pollination of Date palm done first time by :Babylonians and Assyrians (700BC)
✅35.Family of Alfalfa: Leguminoceae
✅36.For selfing in Maize which part is bagged: Both of male and female parts
✅37.Examples of two genetic emasculation techniques: CMS & GMS
✅38.First cotton hybrid developed in the world in the year: 1970
✅39.Bulbosum technique generally used for Haploid plant production in Barley crop
✅40.Ability of a genotype to survive in mixture generally referred to as: Competitive ability or fitness
✅41.SSD method is most suitable if the character is less heritable.
✅42. Pedigree method is best suitable if the character is highly heritable.
✅43.When all the component lines are resistance against the effective pathogen in a multiline variety than that is called: Clean crop Approach
✅44. NILs full form: Near Isogenic Lines
✅45.RILs full form: Recombinant Inbred Lines
✅46.KSML full form: Kalyan Sona Multiline
✅47.MLKS full form: Multiline Kalyan Sona
✅48. Double haploid technique used to obtain Homozygous lines
✅49.DH lines of Tobacco developed through Anther culture method
✅50.Animal which exploit heterosis :Cow, Silk Worm, Poultry, Swine