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✅1 Major pest of Ground nut? White grub

✅2 NPV is mostly used to control? Insects Lepidopteran

✅3 Lady bird beetle is a? Predator

✅4 International Organization for Biological Control? Zuriec, Switerzerland

✅5 International Institute of Biological Control located in? West Indies, 1927

✅6 Specific pest of wheat nursery is? Ghujhia weevil

✅7 Vector of rice ‘Tungro’ is?Green Leaf Hopper

✅8 The toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis interferes with the insects? Digestive system

✅9 Nosema disease of honey bees is caused by a protozoa? Nosemail Spi.

✅10 The most effective moulting hormone in insects is?Ecdysone

✅11 The most suitable fumigant for quarantine purpose is? Methyle bromide

✅12 Tree banding is useful for control of? Mango mealy bug

✅13 An insecticide used as seed treatment for sucking pestis? Imidacloprid

✅14 The chief excretory organ in insectis? Malpighian tubules

✅15Antennae is absent in? Protura

✅16 Phorate 10 G is a insecticide? Granular

✅17 Trichomes present on leaves are associated with? Antixenosis

✅18 Name the family of red ants? Formicidae

✅19 First part of antennae is? Scape

✅20 Termites lives in? Social colony

✅21 Fumigants are? Respiratory poison

✅22 The caste of honey bee which is useful in collecting honey is? Worker

✅23 Scientific name of rock bee is? Apis dorsata

✅24 Chemically chitin is? Polysaccharide

✅25 Zinc phosphide is used against which non-insect pests? Rat

✅26 Light trap is used to attract the? Nocturnal pest

✅27 Diamond back moth is a pest of? Crucifers

✅28The male reproductive organ of the insect is present on? 9th segment

✅29 A good trap crop for Spodoptera litura is?

✅30 Father of host plant resistance is? R.H. Painte

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