Welcome to Agriclass quizzes

  • In this blog you will get weakly quizes
  • Each Quizzes are base on your agriculture exam pattern
  • I am definitely sure it is useful for your exam preparation
  • Each quize will have 20 mcqs & 30 sec time to attempt each question
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🔘 Field Crops 🔘
✅Rice - Panicle initiation critical staps, heading and flowering

✅Wheat - Crown root initiation, Tillering & Booting

✅Maize - Just prior to tasseling & grain filling

✅Sorghum -  Flowering & grain formation

✅Cumbu - Heading &  flowering
Ragi Primordial initiation & flowering

                  🔘 Oil Seeds 🔘

✅Groundnut - Flowering peg initiation, Penetration & Pod development

✅Soybean - Blooming & seed formation

✅Sesame - Blooming to maturity

✅Sunflower - Two weeks before & after flowering

✅Safflower - From rosette to flowering

✅Castor - Full growing period          ash crops

✅Cotton - Flowering & Boll formation

✅Tobacco - Immediately after transplanting

✅Sugarcane - Maximum vegetative stage                              

              🔘 Vegetables 🔘

✅Onion - Bulb formation to Maturity

✅Tomato - Flowering & Fruit setting

✅Chilies - Flowering

✅Cabbage - Head formation to Maturity                                


✅Alfalfa - Immediately after cutting for hay crop & flowering for seed crop

✅Beans - Flowering & Pod setting

✅Peas - Flowering & Pod formation   
   ðŸ”˜ Other important crops 🔘

✅Coconut - Nursery stage root enlargement

✅Potato - Tuber initiation & Maturity

✅Banana - Throughout the growth

✅Citrus - Flowering, fruit setting & Enlargement

✅Mango - Flowering

✅Coffee - Flowering & Fruit developments

🔘Diseases of citrus🔘

✅a. Gummosis: Phytophthora spp
✅b. Bacterial canker: Xanthomonas compestris p.v citri. (transmitted
by leaf minor)

✅C. Tristeza: Virus (vector is aphids. Toxoptera sp.)

✅d. Citrus greening: Earlier Mycoplasma (now causal organism is Ca librobacter, a gram negative, walled, bacteria).

➡️Transmitted by citrus psylla, Diaphorina citri e. Exocortis: Viroids.

🔘Physiological disorder🔘
a. Granulation: Due to high temperature & R.H. during ripening. It can be managed by sprayingof lime & application of 2,4-D (@ 12

b. Exanthema: Copper deficiency.

c. Yellow leaf of citrus: Mo deficiency. 

d. Die back due to: Cu deficiency

e. Little leaf Cu deficiency

🔘Insect-pest of citrus🔘

a. Psylla: Diaphorina citri (vector of greening disease).
 b. Leaf minor: Phyllocnistis citrella (vector of citrus canker)

c. Aphids: Toxoptera auranti (vector of Tristeza disease)

d. Lemon butterfly: Pupilo demoleus. (Controlled by bagging of fruits)

e.Fruit sucking moth: Othreis fullonica (only adult suck the juice from ripening fruits)

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