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Mega quiz -05

Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science 

1 What is the mean of ration? *It is allowance feed given to animal for a period of 24 hours.* ✅

2 Roughages are the feed stuff which contains more than ____of crude fiber and less than ____ of TDN.? *18% , 60%*✅

3 What should be the maximum concentration of crude fiber in poultry ration? *6 to 8%*✅

4 What should be the temperature of water present in an artificial vagina while collecting the semen? *45°C*✅

5 Dairy cow with “Very Good” grade scores ____ points in judging score card ? *85-90*✅

6 Colostrum is given to:? *New born calves only*✅

7 Berseem contains ____ of crude protein? *17-19%*

8 Back crossing means? *Mating of crossbred female to one of its pure breed parent*✅

9 Onion is which kind of crop? *Long day plant*✅

10 Scab or wart like lesions on featherless part of body such as comb and wattles is symptom of which of the following disease? *Fowl pox*✅

11 Nutrients which are required by plants in small quantity are referred as? *Micro nutrients*✅

12. 2 kg bran plus 1kg jaggary or molasses moistened with lukewarm water is given to? *Freshly calved cow or buffalo*✅

13 Milk secreting hormone oxytocin is secreted from? *Posterior pituitary gland*✅

14 Milk produced by which of the following method is more hygienic? *Machine milking*✅

15 Which is the oldest method for poultry keeping? *Free Range system*✅

16 Which is the best crop for hay making? *Green oat*✅

17 Which acid is used in the Gerber fat testing method? *Sulphuric acid*✅

18 Which part of ruminant stomach contains 100 folds from inside called as laminae? *Omasum*✅

19 Which of the following is not a productive roughage? *Green maize*✅

20 Which is not the part of male reproductive system? *Fallopian tubes*✅

21. Which is a deep rooted crop? Tomato✅

22. A  dry matter intake/100 kg body weight is recommended for breeding bull. 2 kg✅

23. Which is an external parasite of poultry bird? Mites✅

24. Piroplasmosis is also known as? Babesiosis✅

25. Wheat is a __season crop? Rabi✅

26. On an average every cow or buffalo produces how much kg dungs.? 10-20kg✅

27. Which crop belongs to the legume family? Gram✅

28. Which is also known as wind pipe of animal respiratory system? Trachea✅

29. In silage preparation after sealing, what happens to nitrate-N? Decreases✅

30. Leafy vegetables are mainly grown during .?  Winter season✅

31. How much space is required for egg poultry is? 1.5sq.ft✅

32. Starter feed contains maximum of? Protein✅

33. Most dangerous disease of chicken is? Ranikhet✅

34. Which disease spread through virus in cattle is? Foot and Mouth disease✅

35. Anthrax is caused by? Bacteria✅

36. Severe bloat is removed by tools? Trocar cannula✅

37. Which is the best method of milking? Full hand method✅

38. What is the boiling point of milk (in Celsius) is? >100✅

39. Which harmon helps in let down of milk? Oxytocin✅

40. Milk sugar is also known by the name of ? Lactose✅

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