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Mock Test - 24

1. The word ‘Agronomy’ is derived from ------------ : Greek language  

2. First agronomic research was started by -------- : J.B. Bossinggault  

3. First synthetic fertilizer industry was established by-------- : Muller  

4. Iron share was invented by ------------- : Robert Ransome  

5. Share of Agriculture in total GDP of India is about ---------- : 25 % 

6. First cultivated crops in the world are -------- : Wheat, Barely 
7. American Society of Agronomy is established in year ----- : 1908  

8. Kharif, Rabi and Zaid words belong to ------------- : Arabic  

9. Natural farming was advocated by ------------ : Fakuoka 
10. The term “ Green Revolution” coined by ------------- : Dr.William Gaud  

11. Peter Dearesenzi is named as father of agronomy for his  
work on --------  : Literature collection of agronomy  

12. The term “ Photoblasty ” refers to the response of the ------ : Seedling to light  

13. ‘ Krishi Pandit ’ is a title awarded every year by ------- : ICAR  

14. Dr.V.Kurian is associated with ----------- : White Revolution
15. Who patented the process of treating rock phosphate to  
produce superphosphate ----------  : Lawes  

16. ‘ Horse Hoeing Husbandry’ book was written by --------- : Jethro Tull  

17. Who conducted that the main ‘ Principle of vegetation’ is water ------- : Van Helmont  

18. The “Annals of Agriculture” was written by ------- : Aurthur Young 
19. The first agricultural university in India is : Pantnagar, Uttarakhand  

20. Human started to settle in villages during ……… period : Neolithic  

21. Discovery of silk was during …………. period : Neolithic  

22. Tholkappiyam was written during ……………. : 200 BC  

23. The crops grown between June to September are called ------------ crops : Kharif  

24. Paleolithic age is divided into ……………. phases : Three

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