100 Important agriculture question part

601. First hybrid in the world of red gram is -ICPH-8 

602. The most preferable soil structure for agriculture is - Granular & Crumby 

603. Taxonomically organic soils are – Histosols 

604. Which soil is most suitable for dry land agriculture - Black soil 

605. First man made cereal is – Triticale 

606. Dead heart and white ear disease is related to – Rice 607. IBPGR is situated at - Italy , Rome 

608. India’s share in the fruit production in the world is 10 % 

609. What is relay cropping - The second crop sown before harvesting of first crop  

610. Measurement of sunlight intensity is expressed in - Lux units(old)/Einstein(new) 

611. In water logged arid gas found in abundant – Methane 

612. Curing process is related to the crop- Tobacco 

613. The book “ nature & Properties of soil “ is written by - N.C. Brady 

614. Chemical used for delinting of cottons - H2So4 

615. Maximum N loss in rice crop is due to - Denitrifiaction  

616. Wind velocity can be measured by – Anemometer 

617. Queen of spices is – Cardamom 

618. buck wheat is called - Psedo cereal 

619. Very dangerous disease of s.cane is red rot 

620. World’s staple food is - Rice  

621. Fibre of cotton contains – Cellulose 

622. Movement from higher concentration to lower concentrationn is known as - diffusion  

623. Gold of America is known as - Soybean  

624. Formula of Net Capital ratio is - Total assets /Total liabilities  

625. Theory of evolution was given by - charles Darwin  

626. Which Indian Scientist shared world food prize for miracle maize - Dr. Surinder K. Vasal 

627. ICAR day is celebrated on 16 July  

628. Light red carnation represent to – Admiration 

629. ANOVA table stands for analysis of - Variance  

630. Formula of harvest index is - Economical yield / Biological yield * 100 

631. RBI was est. in 1935  

632. Who discovered vitamin – Funk 

633. Regur soil refers to - Black soil  

634. Biological active form of glucose is - D-form 

635. Lodging preventor is - CCC ( Cycocel) 

636. FAO was started in 1948  

637. Which design is used when fertility gradient is in two direction – LSD 

638. International pest is  Schistacerca gregaria 

639. Bhoodon movement was started in 1951 

640. Cooperative movement was started by- F. Nicholus (1904) 

641. Flared square symptoms are seen in cotton due to the - Spotted boll worm  

642. CAN is a Neutral fertilizer 

643. Root promoting hormone is IBA 

644. Ooze test is done for detecting Bacteria 

645. First product of urea hydrolysis is - Ammonium Carbamate 

646. NABARD was set up on the recommendation of - Siva Raman committee ,Narsimhan Committee1982   647. The trade name of BHC is - Grammexone   

648. Who discovered mitocondria - C. Benda(1897)  

649. Bt cotton was discovered in - 1901 japan by Ishwata 

650. the term cytokinin was proposed by - - Letham ( 1963 )  

651. Kinetin and zeatin are the - Cytokonins  

652. photosynthesis is an - Oxidation - Reduction process 

653. Largest importer of cut flower in the world is - Germany  

654. Gibberellin was discovered for the first time used by - - Kurosowa  

655. Water soluble vitamin is - Vitamin –C 

656. Greenhouse effect is also known is -- Global warming  

657. VAM act as a - Symbiotic association  

658. LEISA stand for - Less external input sustainable agriculture  

659. Blue Revaluation in India was started during - Fifth five year plan ( 1970 ) 

660. who discovered pH concept – Sorenson 

661. DRIS concept given by –Beaufils 

662. The term ‘remote sensing ’ was first used in – USA 

663. Acidity in gram leaves is due to - Malic acid / oxalic acid 

664. Photosynthetic rate is highest in c4 plant 

665. Lock and Key Model was proposed by - Fisher  

666. Anti - Sterility vitamin is - Vitamin E 

667. Double seed formation in cotton is due to - Pink bollworm 

668. Forest conservation act was made in – 1980 

669. Netural parthenocarpy is found in – Banana 

670. the term vernalization was coined by - TD Lysenco 

671. Chemical relationship is done between two cells by-Plasmodesmata 

672. White revolution was accomplished by which scientist - V. Kurien 

673. How much time is needed for sterilization in autoclave - 15 minutes  

674. In which bacterial reproduction phase , virus is involved – Transduction 

675. First plant flower mandi was situated at- BANGLORE  

676. Regional Plant resource centre is situated at – Bhubaneswar 

677. Cultivation of crops in areas where the annual rainfall is less than 750 mm is called- Dry Farming 

678. Central soil salinity research institute is situated at -Karnal ( HR) 

679. What is the ideal location of greenhouse- North – South 

680. According to ICMR vegetable required per capita per day is - 300 gram  

681. Biggest tree of the world is - Baniyan tree 

682. Kisan call cente begun in the year 2004 683. Net cultivated area of India is – 143 684. Kisan divas is celebrated on 23 Dec. 

685. The share of agriculture in global warming is - Approx. 25 % 

686. Environment day is celebrated on - 5 th June  

687. Which element is responsible for nodulation in legumes - Phosphorous  

688. Fingerprinting is related to which crop – Pineapple 

689. yellow vein mosaic virus disease is related to Bhindi  

690. Which clay Mineral is dominant in Black soil- Montmorillonite 

691. Sprouting in onion is controlled by the hormone of –MH 

692. Which chemical/ hormone is used for regular bearing in mango- Paclo butrozol (PP333) 

693. High yielding variety of wheat was developed by -Borlaug   

694. break down of clods , crusts and plant material by the impact of particles moved by wind in saltation is called as - Abrasion  

695. A soil with a pH value less than 7 hence having more hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions in the soil solution is called as - Acid Soil  

696. The movement of ions and water into the plant root because of metabolic processes by the root, frequently against an electrochemical potential gradient is referred to as - Active absorption\ 

697. The chemical in commercial product that is directly responsible for the herbicidal activity is called its - Active ingredient  

698. the transfer of heat energy my means of horizontal mass motions through a medium is termed as - Advection  

699. A technique in growing plants where in the plants derive their nutrients and eater from a mist of air and aqueous solution that comes in contact with the roots is called - Aerophonics  

700. A term proposed by Mc Gillchrist in 1965 , which is a measure of how much a relative yield increase in component a is greater than for component b is known as -Aggressively