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Mock Test - 09

📌Pathology diseases imp📌

✅Bacteria leaf blight of rice caused by  ?- Xanthomas oryzae

✅The disease caused by Leptosphaeria sacchari in sugarcane is ?

- Ring spot

✅Loose smut of wheat is ?

- Internally seed borne

✅The Karnal bunt of wheat is caused by  ?

- Neovossia indica

✅Sugarcane rust is caused by ?

- Puccinia eriathi

✅Leaf blight of wheat is caused by ?- Alternaria trictinia

✅Stem rot of rice is caused by ?

- Sclerotium oryzae

✅Tungro disease of rice is spread by ?

- Nephotettix virescens

✅Ufra disease of rice is caused by ?

- Ditylenchus

✅ Whip smut of sugarcane is caused by  ?

- Ustilago sciteminae

✅Red rot of sugarcane is caused by  ?

- Collectorichum falcatum

✅Sugarcane mosaic disease is transmitted by ?

- Rhopalosiphum maidis

✅Disease also known as “Killer Disease of Wheat” is  ?

- Black/ Stem rust

✅Akiochi disease is due to  ? 

- Sulphur toxicity

✅White rust of crucifers is caused by  ?- Albugo candida

✅Crop showing maximum resistance to nematode is ?

- Marigold

✅Iris famine in 1845 ,was caused due to ?

- Phytophothora infestance

✅Father of Indian Pathology is ?

- E.J.Butler

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