Cotton Diseases 

Agriculture one line

➡️1. Bacterial blight/angular leaf spot/black arm: Xantomonas campestris ;pv. malvacearum

✅Most serious disease of cotton in India

✅Angular and water soaked lesion on leaf & stem.

✅On the stem develops peripheral cracks called black arm'.


✏️Spray a mixer of Streptocyclin + Copper oxychloride @ 50 + 250 g/ha

✏️Seed treatment with Agrimycine

➡️2. Tirak/bad opening of bolls:
‼️Physiological disorder

✅Premature defective opening of bolls & shedding of leaves


✏️Follow late sowing

✏️Apply extra water at flowering & fruiting in sandy soil. 3. Fusarium wilt: F. monilliforme f. sp. vasinfectum.

➡️4. Stenosis/small leaf: Viral

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