Agriculture one line

Bitterness in fruits/vegetables

✅Yellow colour in papaya due to : Caricaxanthin.

✅Redness of apple is due to : Anthocyanin.

✅Red colour in tomato is due to: Lycopine. 

✅ Red colour in chilli is due to: Capcyanthin. 

✅Pungency in chilli is due to: Capsaicin. 

✅Orange colour in carrot is due to: Carotene. 

✅Red colour in carrot is due to: Anthocyanin

✅ Yellow colour in turmeric is due to: Curcumin 

✅Bitterness in bitter gourd is due to: Memordicocite. 

✅ Bitterness in cucumber is due to: Cucurbitacin. 

✅Yellow colour of onion is due to : Quercetin

✅Red colour in onion is due to:

✅ Pungency in onion is due to:
Allyl propyl di-sulphide. 

✅Pungency in raphanus is due to : Isocyanate. 

✅ Pungency in mustard is due to : Glucosilates. 

✅ Pungency in garlic is due to:
Di allyl di sulphide. 

✅ Green colour in potato tuber due to: Solanin. 

✅ Sour taste of gram leaves is due to: Malic/oxalic acid. 

✅ Pungency in pepper is due to

✅Pungency in cabbage leaves due to: Sinigrin.


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