Categories of Pests

Different pest

1. Regular pest : Occur most frequently (regularly) in a crop and have close association with that particular crop. Eg: Chilli Thrips Scirtothrips dorsalis , brinjal shoot fruit borer,Leucinodes orbonalis.
2. Occasional pests : Here a close association with a particular crop is absent and they occur infrequently. Eg: Rice case worm, Nymphula depuctalis castor slug caterpillar, Parasa lepida , mango stem borer, Batocera rufamaculata. 

3. Seasonal pests: Occur mostly during a particular part of the year, and usually the incidence is governed by climatic conditions. Eg: Red hairy caterpillar on groundnut-June - July, Rice
grasshoppers –June-July, Paddy climbing cutworms.

4. Persistent pests: Occur on a crop almost throughout the year.Eg: Scales and mealybugs on many crops, thrips on chillies, paddy stem borer

5. Sporadic pests: Occur on a few isolated localities. Eg: coconut slug caterpillar Macroplectra nararia, Contheyla rotunda, Rice earhead bug - Leptocorisa acuta,, castor slug
caterpillar-Latoia lepida

6. Epidemic pest: Occur in a severe form in a region or locality at a particular season or time
only. Eg: Rice hispa, Dicladispa armigera, rice leaf roller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis

7. Endemic pest: Occur regularly and confined mostly to a particular area or locality. Eg: Red hairy caterpillar Amsacta albistrigaon groundnut

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